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New Members

The Ithaca Yacht Club welcomes new members.  Some members have a boat in the marina.  Others enjoy swimming, small craft boating, youth activities, or relaxing at the pub and restaurant. Many simply enjoy relaxing by the waterfront, and unwinding in the natural beauty and peacefulness of the lake.

Membership categories

For new members the club has the following membership categories:

  • Regular Individual

  • Regular Household

  • Junior Individual (under 35 years of age)

  • Junior Household (everybody in the household is under 35 years of age)

To encourage new members, the club gives a first year discount of 25% off the annual dues.

Here is a list of the current year's dues, before the new member discount.

How to apply

The application process has two steps. 

  1. You fill in an online application form.  The information on the form will be sent to the Ithaca Yacht Club board.

  2. As soon as the application is approved, we will send you a letter with more information and asking you to pay the first year dues.

When you fill in this form, our finanicial system automatically generates a dues invoice.  Please ignore the invoice until you hear from us that your membership is approved.


Every new member has a sponsor who will welcome you to the club and tell you about the club benefits, events, and rules.  If you know a current member of the club who will be your sponsor, please add their name to the application form.  Otherwise, the membership director will find a sponsor for you.

As a new member

Please come to the club and introduce yourself to other members.  Come to the new member receptions and meet members of the board and other members of the club.

The email address that you give with your application provides access to the Members Only part of this website.  Please go to the Profile page and update your information.

More information

Membership: Membership@IthacaYC.org

Harbormaster: Harbormaster@IthacaYC.org

General questions: Info@IthacaYC.org

 Ithaca Yacht Club

Website: IthacaYC.org

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software